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Benjamin Franklin

Science and History Assembly Program | Grades: K-9


An inspiring visit from our most inventive founding father

benjamin franklin educational assembly show mobile ed

Mobile Ed Productions presents Benjamin Franklin, the amazing inventor, author, printer, politician and founding father who enlightens young and old alike.

The presentation is a one-man production using incredible props, a beautiful set, music, stories, interaction, authentic costuming, and the character of Ben Franklin. The presenter's amazing likeness of this great American helps students immediately identify the character. From the moment he walks on stage the audience feels they are in the presence of living history.

Students will have fun participating in "old time" typesetting as they hear of Ben's early years as an apprentice in his brother's print shop. They will also hear both familiar and unfamiliar quotes from Poor Richard's Almanac. Of course, the famous kite and key experiment will be relived by using a Van de Graff generator to the amazement and amusement of the students.

The presenter will perform on a theatrical replica of Mr. Franklin's favorite invention, the glass armonica.

This presentation will:

• Motivate students to read and find out more about our country's history.

• Inspire them to care more about people and respect their peers and leaders.

• Challenge their minds to reach for excellence.

• Encourage positive behavior and virtuous character traits.

Benjamin Franklin will stir the patriotism of students and faculty as he closes the program with the moving account of his involvement in the birth of our nation.

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Program Summary

Grade Level K-9
Max Audience Size 275+. Limited by Facility
Session Time 40-45 minutes
Number of Sessions 1-4 sessions per day.  Additional sessions are available for an additional fee.
Setup Time 45-60 minutes
Teardown Time 45-60 minutes
Required Utilities
  • A stage or 8' x 25' area.
  • One AC electrical outlet.
  • The performer needs a separate room to change clothes.
  • Two 6'-8' banquet tables.
Subjects Covered
  • Early American History
  • Noteworthy historical figures
  • Importance of the printing press
  • Poor Richard's Almanac
  • Electricity
  • Invention
  • Character-building
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Articles About Our Ben Franklin School Assembly Program


Our Constitution, the Founding Fathers and School Assemblies
Read the Article!

And Here Is A Piece From Ben Himself . . .
The Birth Of A School Assembly Program

I have written several times in the past about one of our great school assembly performers Dave Mitchell. He presents our wonderful Ben Franklin school assembly as well as school assemblies on Math and Reading. Well, Dave is hard at work on a brand new program for next year, and yet found himself growing pensive about how and why we do the school assemblies that we do. He jotted down a few thoughts recently, and I thought I would share them with you.

What makes us decide to do an assembly program on a...
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Memorial Day and Celebrating History Through School Assemblies ...
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