Blog | Mobile Ed Productions

A Virtual Tour Through the SkyDome Planetarium

Written by Hannah Terry | Mon, Jul 15, 2024

The SkyDome Planetarium is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that students look forward to seeing all your long. It's become a fan-favorite for many schools and a core memory for many students. The Mobile Ed SkyDome Planetarium is preparing to tour thousands of new and returning schools this fall, and we're giving schools a little behind-the-scenes sneak peek before we tour.

We've been touring our SkyDome Portable Planetarium around the country for decades. Mobile Ed is the leading school assembly company in our country, and we are proud to keep bringing unique, educational, and inspirational experiences to students. The combination of educational concepts with engaging vessels keeps students' attention, makes them engaged in the content, and inspires life-long learners. No one steps foot in the SkyDome without having a blast! Continue reading to learn more about the SkyDome Planetarium.


The Outside 

Students will begin the journey on the outside of our SkyDome. At this time, students will learn a little about how the dome works, what it's made of, and the rules inside that will keep them safe and the presentation going smoothly. We love seeing students excited to go inside! Some students are even a little nervous about the brand-new experience, but their nerves turn to excitement right when they step inside! We love our jobs!

But there's no denying that the best part about the planetarium is heading inside for the first time. 


The Inside 

Our favorite moment during the SkyDome presentation about the SkyDome Planetarium is watching the smiles that grow when students enter the dome. Most students have never experienced a portable planetarium (or a planetarium at all) and love the new perspective on outer space. The high-quality graphics in combination with our presentation grabs students' attention as they embark on their immersive journey through outer space. 

Once students find a seat, students begin their intergalactic journey which is sure to leave students inspired and excited to learn more. The presenter will first take your students through the planets of the Milky Way galaxy, going in-depth on each one. A large part of this section focuses on the sun, its properties, and its importance to the galaxy. 

Next, students will have the chance to learn about deep space, including stars and black holes. Who isn't curious about black holes?! And we most definitely can't talk about outer space without talking about space travel. Students learn about the fascinating history of space travel while learning about our galaxy. 

And finally! This assembly wraps up by focusing on the constellations. Students will learn about the Greek constellations they can see at night as well as the history behind them and how to spot them.

As students walk out of the SkyDome, we typically hear comments about students wanting to be astronauts one day. We know we've done our job right when students leave our programs inspired, smiling, and excited to learn. Our passion for educational entertainment is founded on witnessing students find their passion for learning. This educational STEM assembly is sure to inspire your students to become passionate and motivated learners. 

By the end of the program, students will have learned about:

    • The Milkway galaxy
    • Our solar system
    • The sun and the moon
    • Space travel
    • Greek constellations


To learn the availability of the SkyDome program, contact us here!