It has been a while since we wrote about some of the reviews our programs receive, so here is an update!
Education Through Entertainment
Geoff Beauchamp
Recent Posts
As you may know, I married into a large Greek-American family. If you have seen the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding, you will have some small idea of what I entered into! The father in that film was always remarking on the wisdom of the ancient Greeks, and though the film obviously played this for laughs, there is great truth in the notion that much of what we think today was originally thought out by the great Greek philosophers of many thousands of years ago.
Mobile Ed has been producing school shows and school assemblies for a long time. More than thirty years to be exact. In that time we have sent our awesome shows into many cities and states across this great country. We now visit some 6000 schools a year in more than thirty states!
As mentioned earlier, we had a booth at the Ohio Association of Elementary School Principals conference in Sandusky, Ohio this week. We had a great time and just wanted to give an update on how things turned out.
They say the only two things you can count on in life are death and taxes. Well, there is one more, at least. Prices continue to rise year after year for almost everything. No where has this been more true in recent years than in the world of road warrior school assembly performers.
Everyone loves to save a buck or two, right? (Except for that baby on that annoying Jimmy Fallon commercial.)
I don’t know if you are like me or not, but I have come to absolutely love an occasional cup of coffee from Starbucks or one of the multitude of competing coffee purveyors that have sprung up just about everywhere in the last decade. Judging by the success of these little boutique beverage joints, I am not in any way alone. Seems like you can throw a stick these days and hit three or four caffeine concoctors without even trying.