Regardless of when your school year begins, for us here at Mobile Ed Productions, this marks the beginning of our 33rd season of producing high quality, educational school shows and assemblies designed to delight children while simultaneously supporting the very curriculum they are supposed to be studying. In other words, we are starting our 33rd year year of making school FUN!
How cool is that?
Think about where you were 33 years ago. Were you even born in 1979? Were you still in school? Perhaps you were a member of an audience watching our first performances. It is unlikely you were performing educational school assembly programs because Mobile Ed was almost the first to do so! Before 1979, school shows were all magicians, rope twirlers and clowns. Mobile Ed showed that science could be just as much fun but far more valuable!
A child born in 1979 would now be fully grown and likely married, working and raising a family of their own. We now have clients booking school shows and science assemblies with us for their kids to watch, just as they themselves watched our assemblies when they were in school. Children who grew up watching our shows are now themselves school assembly performers! The generations pass and the tradition continues!
In the eighties we began adding other subjects to our growing menu of exciting school assemblies. Besides science shows we added history with Abraham Lincoln and then Martin Luther King. We ventured into literature with assemblies on Mark Twain and Huck Finn. Our client base expanded to cover many more states such as Texas, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Missouri, Kansas and most of the East Coast.
As the century turned over we continued to add new programs and refine older ones. This year, while continuing to produce chemistry shows, portable planetarium programs and Abraham Lincoln assemblies, we will also add three great new shows - The Invisible Wonder a science assembly, Stronger Than a Bully, focusing on anti bullying techniques for kids, and Piankeshaw Trails, a super cool new show about Native Americans. We take great pride in the contributions we have made in the education of young americans for the past 32 years!
As we now enter our thirty-third season of making kids smile and laugh while they learn, Mobile Ed enjoys a working relationship with more than 5000 schools annually. Tens of thousands of schools and millions and millions of children have enjoyed our programs over the past thirty-two years (and we still don’t charge travel fees!). Is this the year your school joins our happy family?
Geoff Beauchamp is the Regional Manager of Mobile Ed Productions where "Education Through Entertainment" has been the guiding principal since 1979. Mobile Ed Productions produces and markets quality educational school assembly programs in the fields of science, history, writing, astronomy, natural science, mathematics, character issues and a variety of other curriculum based areas. In addition, Mr. Beauchamp is a professional actor with 30 years of experience in film, television and on stage. He created and still performs occasionally in Mobile Ed's THE LIVING LINCOLN.