Blog | Mobile Ed Productions

School Assembly Dog Of The Month - The Family Dog

Written by Geoff Beauchamp | Thu, Jan 5, 2012

school assembly dog resized 600I know you have all been waiting desperately for this, so here it is, our newest School Assembly Dog of the Month. I must confess to a shortage of School Assembly Dog of the Month entries at present, so this month we give the award to not a specific animal but rather to a kind of animal. May we have a drum roll please .... The Mobile Ed Productions Dog of the Month Award for January 2012 goes to ....  The Family Dog!

Allow me to treat you to some humor shared with me this morning by our fabulous performer of such awesome school shows as Ben Franklin, Imathimation, Reading! More Than Words and, of course, Stronger Than a Bully, Mr. Dave Mitchell. This is about finding Inner Peace ( which we all seek, right?).


Inner Peace: This is so true

If you can start the day without caffeine,

If you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains,

 If you can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles,

 If you can eat the same food every  day and be grateful for it,

 If you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time,

If you can take criticism and blame without resentment,

 If you can conquer tension without medical help,

If you can relax without alcohol, 

 If you can sleep without the aid of drugs,


Then you are probably ...


The Family Dogschool assembly dog 2   1 5 resized 600


Cute, huh?


So, knowing what an important member of the family the family dog is across the country and the world, to start 2012 off well, we present this months School Assembly Dog of the Month award to the Family Dog everywhere.

Congratulations to all our canine friends!

By the way, if you arrived here accidentally seeking information about Family Dog Productions, the legendary San Francisco concert promoters and poster artists of the 1960’s, well, sorry ... try here instead:

I actually have an original copy of the poster shown to the left hanging on my wall at home. It was plucked from the wall of a Bay Area record store where I worked back in 1972!

Ah ... the good old days! Not that I can really remember most of it...

Tomorrow ... ah, tomorrow, we will have more on ideas for school assemblies and school shows. Meantime, as long as you are here, have a look atsome of our school assemblies currently offered. One of our awesome school shows is probably in your area sometime soon!


Geoff Beauchamp is the Regional Manager of Mobile Ed Productions where "Education Through Entertainment" has been the guiding principal since 1979. Mobile Ed Productions produces and markets quality educational school assembly programs in the fields of science, history, writing, astronomy, natural science, mathematics, character issues and a variety of other curriculum based areas. In addition, Mr. Beauchamp is a professional actor with 30 years of experience in film, television and on stage. He created and still performs occasionally in Mobile Ed's THE LIVING LINCOLN.