This year Mobile Ed premiered several new school shows. In addition to completely rebuilt and redesigned versions of Chemistry: It Really Matters! and Forces and Motion, we offered the following completely new programs - The Circle of Life, The Treasure of the Six Traits, The No Bully Zone, Books Made The Man, Stronger Than a Bully II, and Kidz Science Safari. That adds up to eight new programs in one season! Boy. We must have been drinking a lot of five hour energy drinks last Spring! (heh, heh, heh - just kidding!).
We have had great responses from all of them, and we are really pleased with how they have all turned out!
Recently, one of the new programs - Kidz Science Safari - made a visit to Washington STEM Academy in Warsaw, Indiana. Principal Tom Ray is an old friend of ours. He likes to make short videos of events that take place at washington. Here is the one he made of our visit that day:
Sure looks like everyone was having a great time!
But Kidz Science Safari is more than fun.
This day long residency features a variety of hands on activities for the whole school involving many different scientific concepts. There is the Bubble Tower, the Gravity Wall, Newton's Cradle,the Giant Microscope the Pascal Exhibit and much more! It is more than a school assembly. It is an event!
Responses from school everywhere have been universally great, and we are very pleased with this new addition to our lineup. We think you will be pleased as well!
But the same can be said for all of our shows. :-)
It is turning out to be just a fantastic year in the world of school assemblies.
However, the universal acclaim for all eight new programs this year does raise one thorny problem. What do we do for next year?
I am sure the brainy wonks working feverishly in Mobile ed’s own back room “skunkworks” have some ideas on the burner already. But the rest of us will just have to wait and see what treats await us in 2013. Make sure to stay tuned!