After months of planning, arguing, sweating, designing, and building, Mobile Ed's newest cutting edge school assembly, The STEM Museum, took flight for the first tine today, touching down in a school in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. And, we are happy to report, a roaring success it was!
Program reps and volunteers descended upon the school early this morning and began busily assembling the mammoth collection of hands on science, technology, engineering and math workstations. By 9 AM everything was set and ready to go. The first group of children were ushered in. A brief introduction, a moment of quet anticipation as the children turned and surveyed the gym filled with banners and brightly colored science paraphanalia.
And then ... the gates were opened and happy kids exploded into the room rushing to every station. Gears were turned, pulleys pulled, puzzles puzzled over, arches erected and demolished again, all amid a happy whirlwind of ecstatic kid power.
But kids were not the only happy humans in the room. Volunteers merrily worked with students among the eager throng, and teachers and staff marveled at the array of technology and at the extremely involved reaction of their kids.
“This is great! Just great!” was overheard from the principal.
Meanwhile, a professor of science and technology from a local university worked his way around the room and through the kids, taking photos and notes all with a big smile on his face.
“Absolutely wonderful!' “Awesome!” “Fantastic!”
A group of kids eagerly absorbed the sight of a 3D printer busily creating a new object. Another was intrigued by a display showing the evolution of the telephone. More still were happily engaged in building shapes or learning about energy or friction.
The room positively buzzed with the incredible energy of learning.
And that is exactly what we were hoping for!
If you are interested give us a call. Dates are filling rapidly on the East Coast and in Texas and California. In the Midwest the tour is sold out in many places and we are already taking names for 2014-2015. Don't miss out!
The STEM Museum is already a hit and likely to be the single most exciting new school assembly program of the year!
Geoff Beauchamp is the Regional Manager of Mobile Ed Productions where "Education Through Entertainment" has been the guiding principal since 1979. Mobile Ed Productions produces and markets quality educational school assembly programs in the fieldsof science, history, writing, astronomy, natural science, mathematics, character issues and a variety of other curriculum based areas. In addition, Mr. Beauchamp is a professional actor with 30 years of experience in film, television and on stage. He created and still performs occasionally in Mobile Ed's THE LIVING LINCOLN. He also spent ten years coordinating assembly programs for the elementary school where his own children went to school.