Make your school a No Bully Zone this year!
There are many ways to establish anti-bullying practices in your school, however nothing gets the point across to every member of your student body like a school-wide assembly presentation. The No Bully Zone has shown to be an effective tool in bringing bully awareness to schools nationwide - let us show you how!

The No Bully Zone helps students identify bullies and bullying behaviors and to provide effective strategies in coping and dealing with bullying. Through humorous costumed roleplay involving several volunteers from the audience, your presenter will help identify the four main types of bullies and associated bullying behaviors:
• Physical Bullying - hitting, pushing and harmful physical contact
• Verbal Bullying - name calling & teasing
• Social or Relational Bullying - exclusion/leaving out
• Cyber Bullying - bullying behavior using technologyThe No Bully Zone helps students recognize where bullying takes place and why; identify the bully, the victim and bystander; and consequences of bullying to the bully, the victim and the bystander.
Students are taught to take action and stay S.A.F.E. which stands for: Stand tall and speak up, Ask for help, Figure out your options/choices, End it calmly by remaining cool.
Also respond and be a H.E.R.O. or Help out, Empathize/encourage, Report, Open communication.
Best of all, the above lessons are reinforced through a high-energy, interactive game show format as students grab their buzzers and test their knowledge! Through the use of comedy, magic, audience participation, and touching personal stories, The No Bully Zone will give you and your students the foundation you need to battle bullying in your school.