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How to Build the Best Summer Routine for Kids

Written by Hannah Terry | Mon, Jun 3, 2024

Swimming. Sunshine. Being Outside. Who isn't excited about summer? Though we can't wait to relax this summer after a long school year, it might also bring stress for many families. Establishing a routine early on in the summer is a great way to keep stress levels low and fun at an all-time high. Mobile Ed has several tips to help families establish the summer routine that's right for them.


Kids thrive on routine, though they may not understand themselves quite yet. But it is a key to success inside our classrooms but also in their personal life outside of it. When students have a strong, consistent routine, they feel safer, feel in control, feel more prepared, and can engage more effectively. Routines create an environment where they can safely learn new skills because of the clear expectations and boundaries that exist. Routines are one of the easiest ways to establish health habits. 


Building Your Summer Routine

Here are a few simple ways to build a summer routine that works for your students.

  • Prioritize a Consistent Sleep Schedule. Consistent sleep schedules will prevent kids from being too tired, potentially improving health and behavior for your kids. Better sleep has proven to help kids retain information better and help brain development. 

  • Establish Regular Meal Times. Summer can be a busy time, and some kids may forget to eat a snack or meal when they typically would during the school year. Keeping mealtimes regular will help kids stay nourished, have energy, and reduce behavior issues due to hunger. 


  • Assign Responsibilities. Certain tasks must be done in our homes. Depending on age and needs, assign specific responsibilities to certain kids so that they can contribute in meaningful ways. Simple responsibilities can increase self-esteem and encourage responsible habits. 


  • Create a List. Don't let summer boredom ruin your summer. Have a list of favorite activities that your family enjoys so there's never a need to wonder "what to do" or kids saying, "I'm bored." 


  • Make a Visual. Once you've decided on a routine that's right for your family, create a visual of your routine for your kids. This will help them feel prepared for what's next, plan ahead, and minimize boredom.  


  • Participate in the Community. Many libraries, parks, and community centers host camps and free kid-friendly events throughout the summer to bring together the community while having fun. These are typically free or very accessible. Be sure to take advantage of the fun and sometimes educational events going on all around you. 


  • Prioritize Downtime. You can't do it all, and doing too much could negate the benefits of enforcing a routine in the first place. Leave room for downtime in your routine as this is prime time to rest, rejuvenate, and have fun too. 


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