In the past few years, large cargo-style white vans have been associated with abductions and sniper serial killers. Yet 999.99% of these type of vans belong to contractors, repair men, delivery companies, and a plethora of honest and needed resources to keep America going. One of the most unique and important user of these suspicious vehicles is the educational school show presenter. For them it is a necessary means of transportation and way to transport these amazing and entertaining props used in their educational assemblies presentation. (Photo: Robert Pirtle showing off his new sign.)
Education Through Entertainment
I have been performing the Stronger Than A Bully assembly show for a few years now and have always received positive responses from the teachers and faculty. Anytime a performer receives a nice comment as the teachers exit the auditorium, it adds a bit of icing on the cake. We watch the faces and reactions constantly during the performance to check for attention level and to see if they are getting the message. And to be honest, we watch the faculty as well.
Yes, its that time again! School is starting right this week in many places and another exciting year is under way! Do you know what awesome school assemblies your kids will see this year? If not, well...time is wasting and the best dates are filling quickly. It is time to get moving!
The start of school is right around the corner and everywhere school personnel and parents are scrambling to make plans for the new school year. The start of a new year is often seen as a time to set a solid behavioral tone for the year with some kind of plan to encourage strong character among students and also to combat bullying.
Well it's now July and everyone is out enjoying the great weather we sincerely do hope! Enjoy the summer while you can because before you know it the gusty cooler weather of Fall will be upon us.
Mobile Ed Productions has reached it's 35th year, and Geoff Beauchamp has been a part of more than half of it! Starting as a performer in January of 1989, Geoff created Mobile Ed's The Living Lincoln, and is still one of our "Lincoln's" who brings The Living Lincoln into your school each year. Pretty good likeliness huh?
My apologies as it has been a long time since we commented in our blog. Mea culpa...all I can say is that the Spring time is very busy around Mobile Ed getting everything lined up and in order for the new school year.
Today is April 14, a day most Americans know as the day in which they madly scramble to finish their taxes before the deadline for filing tomorrow, April 15. But something of great moment happened on this day, a long time ago.
David does several shows for us, including two great anti-bullying programs (Stronger Than a Bully and You've Got a Friend), as well as a super mathematics show called Imathimation and an awesome reading show called Reading! More Than Words!. But he is perhaps best known for the first show he brought to us, an absolutely perfect program about one of our Founding Fathers, Ben Franklin. The Ben Franklin show holds a special place in Dave's heart, and it shows every time he performs this masterpiece.
Just a quick bit of excitement this morning! This year we premiered our flagship school assembly The STEM Museum. That program has sold out quickly and is selling out quickly again for 2014-15. And well it should! This cutting edge school assembly brings a hands on science museum, complete with state of the art 3D printing and robotics into your school for the day. Already a major hit, with universal acclaim following its groundbreaking tour, The STEM Museum is being further improved in several ways for the new year, including the addition of the fabulous NAO Robot.