Have you heard about STEM? It stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. If you have not heard the term before, you will shortly, make no mistake.
Education Through Entertainment
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Today everyone is Irish, or so they would have you believe. Today is the day for the wearin' of the Green!
Today is the anniversary of the birth of the world wide Boy Scouting movement back in 1908 in England by Sir Robert Baden-Powell. In honor of the day, here is a reprint of a piece we wrote several years ago about scouting....
Well, it has been awhile since we posted some of our “bragging rights”. This month has been very hectic so far here at the Mobile Ed ranch, what with major winter storms all over the country playing havoc with our schedules. So many schools have missed performances due to weather closures. Of course, we never charge for that, so that is a good thing for the schools, but no one wants to miss their show and disappoint the kids, right? This month has been just a whirlwind of phone calls and emails and constant scrambling to try to find suitable make up dates for all the schools that lost their day. Thanks for your understanding through all this!
Well, 2013 is in the history books now, so we thought you might like a quick recap of our top ten school shoes from last year. Here is what we had for you! Not that these are the best shows we have ... all our shows are absolutely awesome! But of all the more than thirty great school programs we offer, these are the shows you, our clients, scheduled the most often! These are the top ten most often scheduled school shows from 2013.
Maybe you are in sunny California, or some other part of the world where the rigors of winter are not currently affecting you, but here in the Midwest we are getting hammered. Following two weeks off for the holidays, our office was scheduled to reopen this morning, but Mother Nature had other ideas, I guess.