So, today is the 4th of July.
Education Through Entertainment
Last Friday Mobile Ed performer Thomas Johnson, known to many of you by his mime name of Toma, had a really unique opportunity.
Recently in these pages we have been developing a Guide to School Assemblies. Today we will look at shows featuring live animals.
Rod Serling, writer and host of the fabled Twilight Zone television series, once observed that "Every writer is a frustrated actor who recites his lines in the hidden auditorium of his skull".
As this school years winds down we keep receiving cards back from client schools telling us how much they enjoy our awesome school shows. It is hard not to let it go to our heads a little. But when you work as hard as we do at providing schools with totally amazing educational assembly programs, to have that work recognized is a wonderful feeling.
Every so often we like to blow our own horn. Who doesn't? And I wanted to quickly share these short reviews we recently received following a couple of programs in different locations.