Today we begin a new series, our Beginner's Guide To School Assemblies!
Education Through Entertainment
It goes without saying, I suppose, that a company like ours, occupied 24/7 year round, with developing and performing entertaining and educational school assembly programs, would be a staunch advocate of a broad based approach to education. It makes sense, for example, that a company that produces school shows that teach not only reading and math but also, science, writing, social studies and a variety of other disciplines would be against changes in the teaching of education that diminish the importance of subjects like social studies in favor of increased emphasis on other areas like reading and math. Not that we are against reading and math, you understand, but just that we value equally a great variety of other subjects.
As we scurry about frantically getting every little thing in order for next year's school show tours, we have welcomed someone new into our family here at Mobile Ed Productions. No, this little Michigan native is not a new school assembly performer, though who is to say he might not be part of a show in the future. Nor is he someone new joining our office team here in Redford, Michigan, helping to put you in touch with the best school shows in the country, though we do expect he will be hanging around the office quite a bit. No, this new addition is Mobile Ed's newest Dog of the Month!
In recent years, statewide testing has, for many schools, grown to be the 800 pound gorilla in the room. Much of the year is now spent in preparation for these most important days of examinations. And a lot of funding is determined by the outcome, so the importance is understandable.
Today is January 17. Everyone is preparing to enjoy a wonderful holiday on Monday in celebration of the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King. And so they should! But in the process, we seem to have lost sight of another great American.
It has been a while since we had a school assembly Dog of the Month award here at Mobile Ed, and today is a fitting day to honor this one.
To no one's surprise, Steven Spielberg's film Lincoln has gathered a large array of nominations for this year's Academy Awards. Best Film, Best Actor and on and on. The film is brilliant and deserves all the recognition it can get. In particular, the performance of Daniel Day Lewis in the title role deserves supreme accolades.