At this time, every year, around the country, young parents are being thrown into new volunteer tasks with their PTO or PTA organizations. Some are charged with fund raising activities, others with membership drives, while still others are made secretaries or treasurers. But to some falls the task of arranging school assemblies. And what, they think to themselves, is a school assembly? What is a school assembly program? What do you mean I am to arrange the enrichment programs?
Education Through Entertainment
Henry Ford used to say that museums were all filled with the wrong stuff. He wanted museums to be about machines and technology, so he created his own, the renowned Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan. And it is true that most historical museums and books are filled with information much of which is concerned with who was fighting whom at different times in the past. But, sadly, history is full of war and battles. It is a large part of the story of mankind,
Today is an anniversary of an invasion that took place in Kentucky in 1862. Kentucky, of course, remained loyal to the Union during the Civil War, one of three “border states” (the other two being Missouri and Maryland) where slavery was legal and practiced before the war, but where the elected state governments did not vote to secede along with the rest of the South.
Last year, after great pent up demand from our client schools, Mobile ed began touring with a new anti Bullying program entitled Stronger Than a Bully. Demand for the new show was so great that the entire tour sold out in record time. As the shows began to play the response was magnificent. Schools loved this show! And why would they not? Focusing on s positive message teaching kids how to respond in constructive fashion when confronted by bullying, Stronger Than a Bully has produced rave reviews from schools all over the country.
Colorado is a wonderful place and a state our presenters love to visit. Who would not love the beautiful scenery and great people to be found in the “Rocky Mountain State”? Mobile Ed school show performers sure do!
So we were sad a few years ago when the economic crunch prevented us from visiting this stunning place for a year or two. However, we began returning to Colorado with our school programs two years ago (much to the relief and happiness of our performers), and this year we have an entire roster of some of our very best school assemblies available to schools there.
It is August first, and in some parts of the country, schools are going back into session as early as next week. Can you hear the groans? And the snickers, too, from the kids whose districts have another month before they start up again. But all too soon, schools across the country will once more be in session.
Every year, when school lets out for the summer, working parents across the nation are faced with a problem. What do you do with the kids all summer, especially when both parents work?
As we march inexorably toward the first days of a new school year, many of us are faced with searching out ideas for school assemblies and shows to bolster the curriculum while providing a welcome break from class time for students and teachers alike. Moreover, in these days of rising costs and shrinking budgets, field trips are more and more a rapidly fading memory for many schools. So the search is on for the best possible use of what limited funds remain in order to provide students with the best bang for the buck.
As we approach the new school year you, and everyone else, no doubt, are scrambling to find the absolute best school assembly programs to enrich the lives of your students this year. May we, humbly, suggest one in particular?