Yesterday was a day of awful, unbelievable news.
Education Through Entertainment
Depending upon who you read and/or believe, today may the exact anniversary of the publication of the Gutenberg Bible.
I came across this picture today. It shows a very young astronaut named John Glenn standing next to one of the early space capsules that took our brave young pilots into space for the first time. He is in the company of President John F. Kennedy and his wife, Jackie Kennedy. For those too young to remember, those were heady days filled with excitement, energy, enthusiasm and pride.
Everyone connected with education knows that No Child left Behind has changed the world od education dramatically. Some say for better, others say for the worse. What we do know is that there is more strain on principals and teachers than ever before to meet the goals of this initiative. Even now, there is movement underway to try and modify this initiative to improve the ways in which it affects the education of our children.
Driving to work this morning at my usual time I happily noticed that the sky was much lighter than it had been a month ago, and I loved the thought that Spring is coming!
February is now upon us, and march is right around the corner, when we along with many other school show performers and school assembly companies begin scheduling for the coming year. This is the very best time of year to begin gathering school assembly ideas for next year! Why? Simple. The best dates and programs fill in quickly.
I posted some photos recently from a performance by our Piankeshaw Trails Native American school assembly in the Chicago area, and I wanted to share another one. But this morning we also received a lovely piece of video put together by a good friend of ours following a performance at his school, so that is included here, too!