Yesterday we spoke a little about middle school assemblies and assembly ideas for school shows that play well at that age level. We just received a really nice e-mail following a performance of our Sky Dome Planetarium in California, and although this was an elementary school assembly, it reminded me how well this inflatable planetarium works for middle school aged kids as well.
Education Through Entertainment
Great school assemblies don’t just happen. It can take a little doing to select the perfect program to make a great fit for your school. And finding a great school assembly for a Middle School can be especially tough!
With this being December, and the holidays approaching rapidly, we announced yesterday a special “deal” for Chicago area schools as a sort of holiday “gift” to our friends there. Well, today we have a similar “gift” for all our friends in elementary and middle schools in New Jersey and other eastern seaboard states.
Well, it is December 5 already, and Thanksgiving is over and the Christmas Holidays are rapidly approaching. We can all look forward to the manic disaster known as holiday shopping, replete with crabby shoppers, long lines, and screaming kids. Yay!
I was out of the office yesterday in the morning. I went over to Northwood Elementary School in Royal Oak, Michigan, because our program Stronger Than a Bully was performing there. Since Stronger Than a Bully started out on tour on the road this year, this was the first time I was to have an opportunity to catch a live presentation of this great new and important school show.
Now that Thanksgiving is over we begin that giddy, headlong rush toward the winter break and (for those who participate) the Christmas Holidays and New Years Eve. Seems hard to believe another year is winding down so quickly!
Mobile Ed Productions sends wonderful school assembly performers from Michigan (and a few other states) out on the road every year in August to begin touring to schools pretty much all over the country. It is a rambling, crazy way of life alternating between the exhilaration of performing great school shows in front of happy kids and teachers and the loneliness of empty hotel rooms and long miles on the road. Thanksgiving and other family oriented holidays, usually give us an opportunity to get home for a few well earned days with loved ones.
So it is that time again, and we are pleased to announce this month’s School Assembly Dog of the Month!