Well it's now July and everyone is out enjoying the great weather we sincerely do hope! Enjoy the summer while you can because before you know it the gusty cooler weather of Fall will be upon us.
Education Through Entertainment
Mobile Ed has a lot of performers on the road. Many of these great and wonderful individuals offer more than one show to our schools. And frequently, performers will be so well liked by a school that they will be invited back with another of their shows for the following year. This is a story about one such performer and one such school.
Stronger Than a Bully, the new Anti Bullying school assembly Mobile Ed premiered last August, has enjoyed a smashingly successful freshman season this school year. Winning rave reviews everywhere from Massachusetts to Texas, the tour is virtually sold out for the remainder of this school year (a few odd slots do remain in some select areas, so be sure to check if you are interested!).
As we reported last week, this week is designated as National Character Counts Week! We hope you are all doing what you can to celebrate this important recognition.
Mobile Ed’s new anti bullying school show - Stronger Than a Bully - is selling out quickly! Many states are now sold out.
Last week we announced our three new school assemblies for 2011-2012 and bookings are coming in very quickly.