Mobile Ed has a lot of great performers. That is an understatement really! Mobile Ed has lots and lots of really amazing school show presenters! That is how we have not only remained in business for more than thirty years, but how we have led the world of school shows the entire time and are now the largest company in the country presenting high quality school assemblies in communities nationwide.
Education Through Entertainment
The school year contains many special occasions. This we all know. Some are once in a lifetime festivities such as the closing of an older but still beloved building, or the grand opening of a new addition. Others are events that roll around with the calendar every year. Livening up these activities with a great school assembly can be a wonderful idea! But it is best to really plan ahead. Book early! Try to understand that those of us who create school shows can usually only be in one place at a time! If you think it would be a great idea to have, say, Abraham Lincoln on his birthday, be ready to learn you are not the first person to think of this. Though there are many Abraham Lincoln presenters in this wide country, they can only be in so many schools on the same day!
With all the talk of Dave Mitchell’s stunning anti bullying school assembly - Stronger Than a Bully - we sometimes neglect to mention that his first program for us - Ben Franklin - is actually a stunner in itself!
Stronger Than a Bully, the new Anti Bullying school assembly Mobile Ed premiered last August, has enjoyed a smashingly successful freshman season this school year. Winning rave reviews everywhere from Massachusetts to Texas, the tour is virtually sold out for the remainder of this school year (a few odd slots do remain in some select areas, so be sure to check if you are interested!).
I am sorry to be a bore, and I promise this will be the last one for awhile.... but you really must see this show! The reviews from Stronger than a Bully, Mobile Ed Productions’ newest show are glowing with praise for Dave Mitchell.
As the school year winds down on the East Coast, it is a good time to begin planning for school assemblies for the new year which is right around the corner (much as we would all like to forget that!). We have good news and bad news for schools in New Jersey and all along the North Eastern states.
Last week we announced our three new school assemblies for 2011-2012 and bookings are coming in very quickly.