Education Through Entertainment

Global Warming, School Shows and Hell-Benders!

Posted on Tue, Jul 12, 2011

It seems that the Appalachian region of the United States has the greatest diversity of salamanders in the world. Apparently more than 70 different species live there in parts of Virginia, West Virginia and Kentucky. And in some ways, this makes the Appalachians a key place in the study of global temperature fluctuations and the possible effects of these fluctuations.

Here is a great piece from Smithsonian Science:

It seems that one particular type of salamander, the Hell Bender, breathe through their skin making them particularly sensitive to changes in the environment. Which makes them a particularly good point of study for scientists interested in the effects of global warming.

Kids love this stuff! And an example such as this provides several different opportunities to teach. You can use a story like this to lead into a discussion of reptiles and amphibians and natural science in general. You can use it to talk about the interaction between different species and the environment. And you can use it to begin an examination of global warming patterns and the effect on living organisms.

In fact, information like this is exactly what we use in a couple of our science assemblies. Either makes for a great educational supplement but also a very entertaining time for the entire school.

Animals and The Environment deals specifically with how different environmental issues affect different species around the globe. We have two presenters for these programs. Jon is based in Michigan and works across the Midwest and on the East Coast teaching kids through school assemblies about the animals of the world and introducing them to the great “critters” that travel with him. Meantime, Dick is resident in the Chicago area and dazzles kids in Chicago land and lower Wisconsin with his thirty years of knowledge, enthusiasm and excitement, as well as his great bunch of animals and reptiles.

Our Changing Climate is a school assembly that examines the conditions we describe as “global warming” and some of the possible causes. The presenter is Jeff who is also based in Chicago but who makes regular forays into Texas, Ohio, Michigan and out East. So schools in New York or New Jersey looking for great school assemblies in this area have just as much opportunity to view one of these programs as do schools in Michigan or Ohio or Illinois.
Regardless of where you live, these are interesting times we live in. Did you ever expect to hear that the North Pole was expected to be ice free one summer very soon?

It is important that our children learn about these issues. Finding teachable moments is one way to inform them. Great school science assemblies provide another!

Geoff Beauchamp is the Regional Manager of Mobile Ed Productions where "Education Through Entertainment" has been the guiding principal since 1979. Mobile Ed Productions produces and markets quality educational school assembly programs in the fields of science, history, writing, astronomy, natural science, mathematics, character issues and a variety of other curriculum based areas. In addition, Mr. Beauchamp is a professional actor with 30 years of experience in film, television and on stage. He created and still performs occasionally in Mobile Ed's THE LIVING LINCOLN.
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Portable Planetarium Tours in Michigan, Ohio and Midwestern Schools

Posted on Mon, Jun 27, 2011

Sky Dome Planetarium is one of the most popular school assemblies in the country. And why wouldn’t it be? For kids there is hardly a more awesome experience than to enter their gym and discover a huge silver dome occupying half the room and standing some sixteen feet high. And then to enter the dome itself through a mysterious tunnel, sit in the dark inside and then to be treated to a wondrous journey into outer space and beyond! We have never met a child (or adult!) that did not think this a totally awesome experience.
With curriculum based instruction embedded thoroughly throughout the program this great school assembly is also a huge hit with teachers, as it reinforces educational benchmarks in several areas.
And so we are happy to alert you that we have made more than one tour available this year in the midwest. Michigan and Ohio schools, being right in our backyard so to speak, ave always had great opportunities for scheduling this show, but with extra performers now available, Skydome will be able to visit several states that have not had great access to this portable planetarium school assembly before.
Sky Dome (sometimes confused with the older Star Lab program) is available this school year to midwestern schools in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, West Virginia, Tennessee, Missouri, Kansas, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minneapolis and even Texas, Utah, Colorado, Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota!
For those in other parts of the country, do not despair, as we have additional performers resident on the East and West coasts and available to service schools both in California and the eastern states of New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, Delaware and all of New England.
So let the stars shine over your school!

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Chicago School Assemblies - Character Counts in Algonquin, Illinois!

Posted on Fri, Jun 24, 2011

Issues of Character have become an important part of the education of our children all over the country. Several years ago an initiative was launched to develop good character in children through the Inspector Iwannano program. This drive features the philosophy that there are different pillars of character such as Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Caring, Citizenship, and Fairness. Not a bad package of virtues, to be sure.

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Illinois Schools Love Rojo’s School Assemblies!

Posted on Fri, Jun 3, 2011

We have been back in the Chicago area this week with Sky Dome Planetarium, our portable planetarium school assembly, presented in schools there by the exceptional Rojo. He just appeared at a school in Joliet, Illinois, and judging by the reaction I think they liked him!

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Ohio and Indiana History - School Assemblies in the Midwest

Posted on Wed, Apr 27, 2011

All over the midwest, in states such as Indiana, Ohio, Michigan and Illinois, part of the curriculum for intermediate grades involves teaching 3rd, 4th and 5th graders about the Native American tribes that lived in this part of the country before the Europeans arrived. There is nothing strange about this. All over the country it is standard for states to require children in this age range to learn the history of their own state. In the midwest states that is all wrapped up in the history and culture of the tribes that inhabited this area in the centuries before settlers began arriving from the eastern colonies of the early United States.

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Illinois School Assemblies - Announcing Scheduling for 2011-2012

Posted on Fri, Mar 11, 2011

Get the news out! As of this week, Mobile Ed is now accepting orders for school assemblies for Illinois schools for the 2011-2012 school year.

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Midwest School Assemblies - Shhhhh! Something Great is Coming!

Posted on Tue, Mar 1, 2011

Just a teaser here... Mobile Ed Productions will be making a great announcement in the next few days very relevant to the world of Midwest school assemblies and science assemblies. Stay tuned for details!

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Illinois School Assemblies - Ben Franklin Visits Roxana

Posted on Thu, Feb 24, 2011

School Assemblies play every day of the school year, so on any given day we have performers all over the country performing school shows.

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New Jersey School Assemblies - A Great Performer and a Great Show!

Posted on Tue, Feb 8, 2011

One of our best school assembly performers was in New Jersey schools recently. We just had to share some comments that we received following his performances. Dave Mitchell does a wonderful Ben Franklin school assembly and our New Jersey schools just loved him. 

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Library Shows - A Great Way To Get Kids To The Library

Posted on Fri, Jan 21, 2011

Normally I write about school assemblies and school shows, as school assembly programs make up the lion’s share of our business. Mobile Ed Productions was, after all, founded to help educate children through entertaining and educational school assemblies.

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