Education Through Entertainment

Transform Your Library Into a Writers' Workshop This Summer

Posted on Thu, May 16, 2019

We have a nice idea right here: transform your library into a writers' workshop this summer, and help your students tell their whole universe of stories.  Our award-winning Young Authors Day program turns today’s students into creative authors and playwrights, while also delivering important knowledge about the writing process

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Give your Library a New Perspective with The Earth Dome

Posted on Thu, May 16, 2019

Give your library visitors a new perspective on how seven continents, five oceans, and 195 individual countries can add up to an entire universe of stories!  Our Earth Dome presentation allows students a unique view of our home in the galaxy. This half-hour assembly focuses on the scale of the planet, longitude and latitude, the seven continents, and major cities. Geography has never been so easy and fun to learn!

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Discover a Universe of Stories with our Portable Planetarium

Posted on Tue, Apr 23, 2019

Turn your library into a planetarium for a day and discover a universe of stories with Mobile Ed’s Sky Dome Planetarium!  With our flexible schedule options and experienced presenter, we're ready to take your library patrons to the stars this summer.

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Illinois School Assembly Showcase - Wow, What Fun!

Posted on Fri, Sep 2, 2011

Rolling into the Labor Day weekend here and couldn’t be more ready for a great holiday weekend!
We just came back from Chicago where we had a booth set up for the Centre East School Assembly Performers Showcase in Skokie, Illinois. Everyone had a great time! It was exciting to reconnect with many of our past clients from schools all over the greater Chicago area as well as to meet many new friends.
A lot of scheduling was furiously taking place in the frantic swirl of events, as performers hustled on and off the main stage plying their wares, while representatives of schools hurried back and forth among the different booths visiting with all the myriad types of presenters and picking their shows for the year. We met with school parents and teachers and other reps as well as many library staff also seeking exciting shows for their sites.
I have to say I also love meeting with different performers. It is amazing the variety of talent available to schools and the vast array of different types of school assemblies they offer! In addition to the science, social studies, creative writing and character issue and anti bullying type school assembly programs offered by Mobile Ed Productions, there were musicians, story tellers, multicultural dance groups and a host of others. We met with many old friends and made new friends of many others.
Joining us in our booth were performers Dick Buchholz and Tom Swenson, both long time Mobile Ed alum's. Dick, of course, is well known as one of the foremost naturalists and live animal authorities on the school assembly scene. With twenty five years or more of experience bringing natural science into schools nationwide, Dick, who is the past president of the Chicago Herpetological Society, is now resident in the Chicago area and available to bring his animals to schools and libraries there throughout the year. Tom Swenson also sat in with us for the day. Tom is a great guy who has performed science programs for Mobile Ed in the past. But now he calls on his great acting background to offer midwestern schools a chance to enjoy awesome visits to their school by Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison and Mark Twain. All three great school assembly programs are also available throughout the year in Illinois, Wisconsin and other midwest states. Tom had a fun time helping out with some of the snakes and other reptiles Dick had on display during the show.
All in all it was a great time for everyone! Now if you missed the event and are still seeking dates for school assembly programs for your school or library, it would be prudent to call soon. Many dates are now filled, but, at least for now, we do still have available dates for most programs. But that won’t last long! So give us a call as soon as you can!

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