As we approach the new school year you, and everyone else, no doubt, are scrambling to find the absolute best school assembly programs to enrich the lives of your students this year. May we, humbly, suggest one in particular?
Education Through Entertainment
It has been a while since we wrote about some of the reviews our programs receive, so here is an update!
Mobile Ed has been producing school shows and school assemblies for a long time. More than thirty years to be exact. In that time we have sent our awesome shows into many cities and states across this great country. We now visit some 6000 schools a year in more than thirty states!
Most schools like to have professional assembly programs visit their building from time to time. After all, school assemblies, are fun, entertaining, and, if you pick the right ones, a great way to teach kids and augment the curriculum using tools and techniques most schools do not have available in house.
Libraries all over the country having been dancing with joy having discovered what a perfect fit our Sky Dome portable planetarium is for their Collaborative Summer Reading Theme this year. We are hearing from libraries all over the country and it looks as though our inflatable planetarium domes will be working hard all summer to keep pace with demand!
Many libraries, of course, subscribe to the Collaborative Summer Reading Themes, and this year those themes are “Think Big” and “Own The Night”, so with an absolutely enormous portable planetarium dome, in which we can project the night sky for large groups of kids and adults, Sky Dome is the perfect answer!
Back in 1987 some Libraries in Minnesota got together to try and promote summer time reading among kids. The idea was that when kids got out of school for the summer it was a great time to get them into a library. Great idea. So a collaborative was formed to come up with themes, graphics, posters and incentive ideas to try and accomplish this goal. Well, it seems to have worked pretty well! Now there are libraries in many states taking part in this same summer time activity.
I came across this picture today. It shows a very young astronaut named John Glenn standing next to one of the early space capsules that took our brave young pilots into space for the first time. He is in the company of President John F. Kennedy and his wife, Jackie Kennedy. For those too young to remember, those were heady days filled with excitement, energy, enthusiasm and pride.
Everyone connected with education knows that No Child left Behind has changed the world od education dramatically. Some say for better, others say for the worse. What we do know is that there is more strain on principals and teachers than ever before to meet the goals of this initiative. Even now, there is movement underway to try and modify this initiative to improve the ways in which it affects the education of our children.
Driving to work this morning at my usual time I happily noticed that the sky was much lighter than it had been a month ago, and I loved the thought that Spring is coming!