After a three year absence from Utah we are happy to report that Mobile Ed Productions is returning to the Salt Lake area in 2011 and coming back in style with three great school assembly programs!
Education Through Entertainment
After a two year absence from Colorado we are happy to report that Mobile Ed Productions is returning to the beautiful Rocky Mountain State in 2011!
Well, today marks the end of an era! Space Shuttle Endeavor blasted off successfully today on what will be the last of that shuttle's flights. Space Shuttle Endeavour was the fifth of the shuttle orbiters. The first flight of the orbiter Endeavour was STS-49 mission in May 7, 1992. Space Shuttle Endeavour was named after the first ship commanded by James Cook. Captain James Cook was an 18th century British explorer, navigator and astronomer.
Just a quick one today! We have written before about Rojo and what a great school assembly performer he is. Well, it seems like every time he visits a school we get another batch of letters in the mail from kids at that school that just loved his show!
We recently announced the beginning of school assembly scheduling for the 2011-2012 school year. For our client schools in the great state of Texas, and for all the other fine schools there who have not yet tried one of our awesome school assemblies, here is some fantastic news!
Talking recently about some great school assembly performers we may have mentioned a favorite of ours named David Killion. Dave is from Higgins Lake, Michigan, up in the Northern part of the lower peninsula of Michigan. So when he goes on tour, he has gone a long way before he even leaves the state!
Just a reminder! It is the middle of February and the last thing you want to think about is school assemblies for next year, but.... just like taxes, you have to do it!
Well, it’s December 17, 2010, and the year is winding down here at Mobile Ed Productions. At lunchtime today the office will close, and, with the exception of a skeleton staff, we will be closed until January 3.
I sit tonight watching the beginning of Game 3 of the American League Championship Series. The New York Yankees are tied one game apiece with the Texas Rangers, and tonight’s game is in Yankee Stadium.
The place is packed and the excitement is so thick you can cut it with a knife (well, almost!). It is so easy for all of us to be excited and motivated by the competition of sports.