Well, it is February 29, a day that only comes around every four years! Today, traditionally, women can propose marriage to men! This is a custom that may trace back to England and Scotland in the 13th Century. Originally, women planning to take advantage of the day would wear breeches on this day, but later, Victorian mores altered this to a scarlet petticoat! Either way, gentlemen beware today! This is a tradition born back in the 5th century from an agreement between St. Bridget and St. Patrick.
Education Through Entertainment
OK, so for those of you who noticed, we managed to skip January with our School Assembly Dog of the Month, so we will forge ahead into February a day early!
These days many schools are felling the weight of state mandates testing and are opting to reduce time for assemblies and school shows. Those that do continue using school assemblies often try to focus them exclusively on tested areas such as Math and Reading.
I know you have all been waiting desperately for this, so here it is, our newest School Assembly Dog of the Month. I must confess to a shortage of School Assembly Dog of the Month entries at present, so this month we give the award to not a specific animal but rather to a kind of animal. May we have a drum roll please .... The Mobile Ed Productions Dog of the Month Award for January 2012 goes to .... The Family Dog!
Merry Christmas to all on the Christmas morning And to all our non Christian friends a warm wish for happiness and joy to you in this holiday season!
Actually, this story has nothing to do with school shows or science assemblies, so if you are seeking ideas for school assemblies or a science assembly, well ... today (just today!) you have come to the wrong place!
As we grow close to the end of 2011 we are looking back and we are pretty geeked about some of our accomplishments this year! Number one among them is the fact that we are still here!
Now that Thanksgiving is over we begin that giddy, headlong rush toward the winter break and (for those who participate) the Christmas Holidays and New Years Eve. Seems hard to believe another year is winding down so quickly!
Mobile Ed Productions sends wonderful school assembly performers from Michigan (and a few other states) out on the road every year in August to begin touring to schools pretty much all over the country. It is a rambling, crazy way of life alternating between the exhilaration of performing great school shows in front of happy kids and teachers and the loneliness of empty hotel rooms and long miles on the road. Thanksgiving and other family oriented holidays, usually give us an opportunity to get home for a few well earned days with loved ones.