Play Ball!
Education Through Entertainment
I love this time of year! Spring is when we get to announce all our new programs. It is all very exciting!
Today is March 1, and with the approach of a welcome Spring, Mobile Ed is happy to announce that we are now open to schedule your school assembly programs for 2012-2013.
Now that Thanksgiving is over we begin that giddy, headlong rush toward the winter break and (for those who participate) the Christmas Holidays and New Years Eve. Seems hard to believe another year is winding down so quickly!
If you have read my articles much over the last year or so you will know I really like our Young Authors Day school assembly program and in particular the gentleman who created and still performs that show. His name is Toma the Mime. I just received another glowing, over the top review of his show and I wanted to share it with you.
This week, as we have pointed out already, is Character Counts Week. But there is another area of recognition to celebrate this week. October 25 through October 31 is officially International Magic Week!
There are many, many performers in this country making their livings, or trying to make their livings, through performing school assembly programs for kids. Some are good, some are great and some are, well ... some are not so great.
I don’t know if you caught this but it took me by surprise. China recently launched a piece of a future space station into orbit. Coming as it does on the heals of the end of our Space Shuttle program it kind of rocked me back on my heels a little.
As September rolls rapidly toward its conclusion (Boy, can you believe how quickly that went by?), we find ourselves looking ahead toward the rest of the school year. Many schools have now made their plans for school assemblies, though many have not yet even begun. Just some thoughts today on strategically planning your school assemblies for maximum benefit in supporting the curriculum.