My son is in college now, but a great part of his time and energy while in elementary, middle and high school was taken up with Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts. The scouting program is a great leadership training program and my son followed it all the way through the rank of Eagle. Dad was also drafted as Cub Master and Scout Master at various times, I am sure to everyone’s distress.
Education Through Entertainment
With March coming up you should know about a great midwest school show, perfect for celebrating Women’s History Month. As you are aware, we often write about Abraham Lincoln school assemblies, and Martin Luther King school shows, or about Frederick Douglas assembly programs or school shows about Ben Franklin. It seems like it is always the famous men who get all the attention. Several years ago we decided this just wasn’t fair! So we created a great school assembly about a bunch of famous women from history. I guess you might call this one “Herstory” !
Mobile Ed Productions is based in the Midwest, sending school assemblies all over Michigan and out into other states all over the country. All year, every year, year after year. Including all through the winter. We have seen our share of snow days over our thirty-one years of existence!
Well, tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day, and many of us will have severely expanded waistlines on Friday! I want to wish all of you a happy and joyous day, hopefully spent in celebration with family and loved ones.
Just a quick story about one of our school assembly performers and the power of school assemblies to impact the self esteem of children in a powerful and positive manner.
I was just speaking with another member of our staff here, and I was reminded of an old story from my early days performing my Abraham Lincoln assembly program, and I thought it might be amusing to some.