Education Through Entertainment

Science Assemblies, Science Fairs and a Vision of the Future

Posted on Wed, Mar 30, 2011

We have written before about the importance of science in the education of our children in order for the United States to remain a world leader in the future. We have also referenced before the interest and enthusiasm of President Obama for encouraging an interest in science among our youth. Yesterday, the President took time off from a busy schedule in New York to pay a visit to a New York City science fair.

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Science Assemblies and Science Fairs - A Perfect Fit!

Posted on Wed, Jan 5, 2011

I don’t know about the rest of the country, but here in the Midwest schools traditionally host science fairs in the winter months. I expect it is the same across the country.

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Happy New Year! - School Shows to Start the Year

Posted on Sat, Jan 1, 2011

Well it's New Years Day, and do you know where your school assemblies are?

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