Education Through Entertainment
Finding the right school assembly or enrichment program for your school can be tough. There are a lot of performers, acts and companies from which to choose. How do you know which is best for your needs? How do you know who is professional and who is not, who is talented and who is not, who will meet your needs and budget, and who will not?
Sky Dome Planetarium is one of the most popular school assemblies in the country. And why wouldn’t it be? For kids there is hardly a more awesome experience than to enter their gym and discover a huge silver dome occupying half the room and standing some sixteen feet high. And then to enter the dome itself through a mysterious tunnel, sit in the dark inside and then to be treated to a wondrous journey into outer space and beyond! We have never met a child (or adult!) that did not think this a totally awesome experience.
With curriculum based instruction embedded thoroughly throughout the program this great school assembly is also a huge hit with teachers, as it reinforces educational benchmarks in several areas.
And so we are happy to alert you that we have made more than one tour available this year in the midwest. Michigan and Ohio schools, being right in our backyard so to speak, ave always had great opportunities for scheduling this show, but with extra performers now available, Skydome will be able to visit several states that have not had great access to this portable planetarium school assembly before.
Sky Dome (sometimes confused with the older Star Lab program) is available this school year to midwestern schools in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, West Virginia, Tennessee, Missouri, Kansas, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minneapolis and even Texas, Utah, Colorado, Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota!
For those in other parts of the country, do not despair, as we have additional performers resident on the East and West coasts and available to service schools both in California and the eastern states of New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, Delaware and all of New England.
So let the stars shine over your school!
OK, now here is some great news! According to a recent report, ( scientists have now developed a way to create transparent photovoltaic cells! This means ordinary windows can now be turned into solar panels without losing the ability to allow visible light to pass into a building. So your the windows in own home will soon be able to help you reduce your electric bill! And think of all the windows in a large high rise office building!
Get the news out! As of this week, Mobile Ed is now accepting orders for school assemblies at Wisconsin schools for the 2011-2012 school year.
So I was watching a commercial recently, and they had a Polar Bear walking slowly from somewhere out in the snow.
He came all the way into the suburbs of some city to give a hug to some guy who drives an electric car. It was cute. But I got to thinking... does an electric car really help the environment? Or does the manufacturing of the car create enough pollution
to offset the gains from not burning gas? Or does it make any difference at all? I am no expert so I really don't know the answers to these questions, but I know someone who can give me some really good information on the subject!
I just had to share this! Kathleen Day is one of our best and most charming presenters. She performs in four shows for us. She presents The Earth Dome, Crime Scene Science, Forces and Motion and They Made a Difference. Since she is an Ohio girl we have her touring in the Midwest only, visiting schools in Indiana, Michigan, Kentucky, Illinois and, of course, Ohio, predominantly but also occasionally to Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Missouri.
No one can be unaware of the difficult times being faced by school today. Money is scarce everywhere, but nowhere is this more true than in parts of the Midwest. Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Wisconsin and other “heart of the nation” states are reeling from budget cuts and failed fundraisers.