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Books Made The Man: Lincoln and Reading

Historical Character and Reading School Assembly Program | Grades: K-8

For twenty years, Mobile Ed Productions has introduced students throughout the country to the life, words and greatness of our sixteenth president by bringing Mr. Lincoln to life before their eyes, and allowing his own words to mesmerize and delight them with tales of his life, deeds and times. Now, with a knowledge of the growing importance of encouraging young people to value the written word, we have created a new version of our beloved Living Lincoln program which features Mr. Lincoln himself once again taking students on the journey of his life, but this time with a new emphasis on his own love of reading! 

It is well known by most that Mr. Lincoln had little formal education, and that his experience in what rough and tumble schools did exist on the frontier of his boyhood amounted to less than a year altogether. What may not be as well known is the fact that despite this rocky start, Lincoln swiftly developed a life long love of books and the written word in all forms.

Books Made The Man introduces students to some of the books Mr. Lincoln eagerly read as a boy, but also to the rest of the works of literature and instruction he continued to pore over throughout his life, from the books on Surveying and the Law that enabled him to become successful in life to the works on military strategy he found himself poring over in the White House, and everything in between! We promise some surprises for most and a lot of fun for all!

Let this “Greatest American” encourage your students to learn of Mr. Lincoln's love of reading, and at the same time, discover a new appreciation for reading in themselves!

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President Lincoln

Books Made The Man proudly joins a growing list of important school assemblies offered by Mobile Ed in the social studies field, but also in the field of literature and reading.

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Program Summary

Grade Level K-8
Max Audience Size 275+. Limited by Facility
Session Time 40 minutes
Workshop Availability No
Setup Time 30 minutes
Teardown Time 30 minutes
Required Utilities
  • A short introduction by school representative
Subjects Covered
  • How Lincoln learned to read
  • Frontier Schools
  • Early Education
  • Analysis of the books that influenced Lincoln