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Young Authors Day

Your students' original stories come to life through the art of mime!

*Available Virtually or In-Person!*

Young Authors Day - Creative Writing School Assembly Program

Learn the principles of storytelling, write your own story, then watch it come alive!

Young Authors Day, one of Mobile Ed's most popular programs, is designed to support and enhance the creative writing curriculum.

This rewarding day begins with an all-school assembly by a classically trained mime artist introducing students to the "art of silence".  During the program, the performer discusses the differences between writing for the stage and writing for the page as the components of a story are explained. He stresses the importance of structure and he tells the students where to get inspiration for their own original stories.

Freshly inspired, your students then return to their classrooms to write their stories for the performer. During the writing process the performer stops in classrooms to answer questions and help with the writing.

The day culminates with a second afternoon assembly in which the students are recognized for their fine work.  A number of their own stories are selected and are then actually acted out by the performer, live, for the entire school to enjoy.

Young Authors Day is a fascinating educational experience designed to stimulate the imagination in all of us!

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"Toma gave a wonderful performance and presented the writing process in one of the best ways possible! He brought out the talent in our students and that was awesome to witness!" - St. Francis of Assisi School



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Program Summary

Grade Level K-9
Max Audience Size 200+. Limited by facility
Session Time 40-45 minutes x2 assemblies
Number of Sessions 2
Setup Time 45 minutes
Teardown Time 30 minutes
Required Utilities
  • A stage or 8' x 25' area
  • One AC electrical outlet
  • One 6'-8' banquet table
  • One chair
  • A private bathroom where performers can change and apply makeup
Subjects Covered
  • Demonstrations of the art of mime
  • Components and structure of a story
  • The differences in writing for the stage and writing for the page
  • The performer personally assists students with their own stories
  • Afternoon mime performance of your students' stories written earlier that same day!

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Articles on Young Authors Day

Young Authors Day School Assembly - Review
Read the Article!

Texas School Assemblies - Teaching Writing And Good Character
A Texan student gets an unexpected lesson in good manners! - Read the article!

A Great School Assembly Performer is Headed for Texas!
I have written before on occasion about a good friend and a truly magnificent school assembly performer, Toma the Mime. Toma was recently at Fisher Elementary in Speedway, Indianapolis. I just got off the phone with Kathryn Richards the principal there, and ... wow! 

Fisher has had many programs from us over the years but in the past they have always favored the living history characters like Lincoln and Martin Luther King. And they have always loved them! But they had never seen Toma before. Toma does our Young Author's Day school assembly. And he is really good! Ms. Richards was so excited she could hardly finish her own sentences! She told me of veteran teachers who... Read the whole article!

California School Assemblies Teach Kids That Writing is a Blast!
A great school assembly and a great school show performer teach California kids to love writing! ...
 Read the article!