School-wide relaxation skills with music!
The latest science now proves that simple breathing, movement, music and arts activities can improve test scores, focus, reading, listening, compassion, sleeping and social skills while reducing anxiety and stress. Program creator and presenter Guy Louis has wrapped this information into a fast-paced musical format to form a program that will make a real difference for your students and teachers.
Don’t expect a sleepy, new age performance - not with this Guy! Introducing Relaxation is a high-energy, musical participation assembly that will invigorate, educate and entertain audience members. All children and staff will learn the essential elements of relaxation and mindfulness. Ask about adding on classroom visits and Guy's powerful after school workshop for teachers.
Teaching relaxation methods to children has been a passion for Guy Louis throughout his years of presenting music in education, and this show fulfills his vision for sharing what he has learned with all ages.
"INTRODUCING RELAXATION was so incredibly received by students, teachers and staff at Conley Elementary! Students have been seen in class and in the hallways at school implementing what they learned in the assembly weeks later! Thank you, Guy, for an amazing day of presentations!" - Conley Elementary School, Whitman, MA