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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

History and Civil Rights Assembly Program | Grades: K-12

*New & Improved for 2023!*

The dream performance for guaranteed inspiration

Mobile Ed Productions is proud to present Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a one-man production that will introduce your students to the modern civil rights advocate and how this American hero helped to transform our society. This timely program explores the life of Dr. King, beginning with his childhood, to the peak of his career, and ultimately to his untimely demise.

mlk martin luther king jr school assembly showSpectators will be amazed as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. himself emerges from his Mobile Ed time machine to teach and tell the stories of his life, his dream, his inspiring message and so much more. Expressed through song, poetry, and powerful oration, this program delivers a powerful, important, and meaningful message of historical events and unforgettable lessons. Students learn how Dr. King's life and ideas were molded through his life-long commitment to freedom and equality and the adversity he faced along the way.

This program enables students to understand what Dr. King's childhood was like, in the most fun way imaginable, and provides important insight into life in the American south during his youth. It underscores Dr. King's message, dream, and dedication to knowledge and education. This program also highlights Dr. King's belief in non-violence and peaceful protesting as the most effective way to battle social injustice and inequality. An inspiring review of the more prominent historical events of the civil rights movement is also presented.

In a troubled society where violence is abundant, and injustice persists, the message and belief that we can succeed in making our world a better place through self-understanding, pride, education, peaceful means, love for one another, and commitment are essential for our youth. We are confident that the audience will identify with Dr. King and be inspired to heal their world as he healed his.

This fine program enriches student learning by teaching how this remarkable man made such a monumental impact on the society we live in today, and how you can do the same by following in Dr. King's footsteps.

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Program Summary

Grade Level K-12
Max Audience Size 200+. Limited by facility
Session Time 40-45 minutes
Number of Sessions 1-4 sessions per day.  Additional sessions are available for an additional fee.
Setup Time 30 minutes
Teardown Time 30 minutes
Required Utilities
  • A stage of 8'x25' area
  • One AC electrical outlet.
  • One chair
  • Optional: podium
Subjects Covered
  • The life of Dr. King
  • Growing up in the 1950s
  • Morals and values
  • The Civil Rights Movement
  • Social injustice and inequality
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Articles on our Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. school assembly program

Elementary School Shows and Teaching Kids To Love History

Kids need to learn history and elementary assemblies are the perfect way to teach them! - Read The Article!

School Shows to Break Up The Winter Blahs!- Thinking Beyond December!

January is coming quickly! Time to plan for January School Assemblies! - Read the article!

Midwest School Assemblies in Kentucky - Rojo Visits Bowling Green

We have written before about Rojo, a truly inspiring school assembly presenter who has worked for us for many years. He currently performs our Character Counts assembly program - Inspector Iwannano - and also is one of our presenters for the portable planetarium Skydome here in the Midwest. But Rojo came to us originally to present our Martin Luther King school assembly, and he is still truly magnificent in that role and renowned for his presentations in schools throughout the Midwest. And that is what some students from Natcher Elementary in Bowling Green, Kentucky found out ... Read the whole article!

New York, Robert Pirtle and his Martin Luther King School Assembly

Most schools that schedule our Martin Luther King school assembly program usually try to have it in January, near to Dr. King’s birthday or for Black History month in February. So we do not usually have to many performances of this school assembly playing in March. But this winter was a little rougher than most! Quite a few schools missed programs due to snow days and as a result are making up their performances now.

This morning we found a message on our overnight machine  from a client in Far Rockaway, New York. Yesterday Robert Pirtle, one of our great school assembly performers was at her school to do a school assembly on Martin Luther King. The school is called Yeshiva Darchei Torah and had previously enjoyed our school assembly The Earth Dome (Earth Balloon). Our client there is Debbie Hamburg. To say she enjoyed the show would be a little misleading. Here is what she had to say this morning:

“We had Martin Luther King with Robert (Pirtle) today. I thought the Earth Dome was fantastic but now this is my favorite! I am so looking forward ... Read the whole article!