Mr. Peace: Positive Life Choices

Character building school assembly | Grades K-12

A character building program your students will love.

Since 2006, Kevin "Mr. Peace" Szawala has been traveling to schools and community centers, spreading his passionate message about peace, love, equality and tolerance to hundreds of thousands of people of all ages. He has created four different assembly programs, each focusing on a different topic: bullying, diversity, leadership and making positive life choices.


Positive Life Choices

Make the right choice! 

What happens to you is 99% how you choose to respond to it.  In today's culture, with so much pressure put on physical appearance and the need to fit in, many students are willing to sacrifice what they believe in because being accepted is more important than who they truly are. As a result, many turn to extreme measures to fill these self and media-made voids, by taking part in abusive habits. This program targets a variety of potentially fatal outlets youth have latched onto such as Substance Abuse, Eating Disorders, Cutting and Suicide to name a few, and looks to replace these negative actions with positive ones by making them more aware about the seriousness of the effects these unhealthy practices can have on themselves and others. Both the beauty and tragedy of life is that everything is a choice, but just one wrong decision could be your last.  In addition to an increased awareness about these unsafe patterns, creative replacements are offered as a means of dealing with the weight of everyday society and peer influences, and a way of raising feelings of self-esteem and self-worth.

See what an impact Mr. Peace will have on your students in this short video.

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Program Summary

Grade Level K-12
Max Audience Size 200+ (limited by facility)
Performance Time 40-45 minutes
Number of Sessions Up to 4 in one day
Setup Time 45 minutes
Teardown Time 45 minutes
Required Utilities
  • A stage or 10' x 20' area
  • One AC electrical outlet
  • One 6'-8' banquet table
  • One chair
  • Projector/screen will be used if provided
  • School sound system will be used if provided
Subjects Covered

Positive Life Choices

  • Everything is a choice and has a consequence
  • How you respond to life is how you are defined
  • You are the sum total of your decisions
  • Change your angle of vision to see the good
  • Develop a new and positive perspective on life

The Importance of Anti-Bullying Education

Bullying leads to depression, low self esteem, health problems, poor grades and even suicidal thoughts. In addition, bullying creates an environment where students have trouble learning, feel insecure, and dislike school. Plus, studies have shown that 23 percent of students in grades 4-6 have been bullied several times and 8% are bullied weekly. Clearly this is a problem that needs to be addressed.

Book the Mr. Peace Character Building School Assembly today!

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