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Reptiles Are Cool

Science Assembly Program | Grades: K-8

Take an eye-opening look at the world of reptiles through this informative program that features snakes, lizards, turtles, tortoises, and alligators. Students will learn fascinating facts as they get a close-up look at reptiles creeping, leaping, crawling, and climbing.

Students can even touch some reptiles such as the Burmese python, boa constrictor, turtles, terrapins, and tortoises. But the Solomon Island Skink and other sharp toothed reptiles are better left untouched. We supervise all hands-on activities to ensure the safety of students at all times. Here are some of the details that students will learn about:

Lizards, with their sleek bodies and long tails, vary in size from the 3-inch worm lizard to the 12-foot Komodo Monitor Lizard. A lizard's tongue not only helps catch prey, but sometimes serves as a nose to smell.

python snake reptile school showTurtles and tortoises have shells that can cover their entire body. This protects them from stronger, faster, animals. Turtles range in size from a few inches to as tall as a full-grown man. Some weigh over 1,000 pounds. Instead of teeth, these reptiles have jaws with razor-sharp edges.

Fresh water turtles, with their webbed feet, spend most of their lives in water. Sea turtles have broad flippers to help them navigate the sea. Tortoises, which have toes, live mostly on land.

Reptiles School Assembly

Snakes are known to slither, crawl, swim or climb. Snakes can be as small as a 10-inch vine snake or as long as a 30-foot Anaconda snake.

The program is structured and conducted with two objectives in mind. First, to entertain and hold the interests of students. Second, to provide the students with a basic informational introduction to reptiles.

Students are encouraged to ask questions during the program and also, but not required to, touch the live animals and to discover for themselves why, Reptiles are Cool. 

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"We look forward to having this program again next year for the First Grade. We did this program in place of the zoo. We are so happy we made that decision."

- Wasco Elementary School, Wasco, IL

Mobile Ed's Reptiles are Cool!

Up close and personal with some cold blooded critters!

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Program Summary

Grade Level K-8
Max Audience Size 200+. Limited by facility
Session Time 40-45 minutes
Workshop Availability No
Setup Time 45 minutes
Teardown Time 30 minutes
Required Utilities
  • A stage or 8 x 25-foot area.
  • One AC electrical outlet.
  • Two 6'-8' banquet tables.
  • Students are seated so performers can walk freely among the audience.
Subjects Covered
  • What a reptile is
  • The classes of reptiles
  • Showcase of a variety of reptiles including snakes, turtles, and lizards

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