Illinois School Assembly Programs for 2015-2016

illinois school assembliesIllinois is one of Mobile Ed's favorite states, and a frequent and popular visit for all of our school assemblies and school assembly programs. We are often at schools in the greater Chicago area, throughout the year. In fact some of our presenters are resident in Chicago all year long, and so are available for special events, library programs, Cub Scout Blue and Gold banquets and birthday parties, too!

Our assembly programs visit schools in all parts of Illinois. Whether you are in Granite City or Rockford, Peoria or Cairo, Rock Island or Skokie or anywhere else in the great state of Illinois, Mobile Ed's great school assembly performers are available to come and get your kids excited about science, history, creative writing and a multitude of other curriculum based areas.

Mobile Ed's educational school assemblies and science assemblies have been popular with Chicago schools since our company first began more than thirty years ago. Make this your year to introduce your school to "The Finest Name in School Assemblies!" Click on the button below for available school assembly dates in your part of Illinois! 

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Assembly Programs Touring in IL for 2015-2016

Air science assembly program mobile ed

Air: The Invisible Wonder 
In this awesome program, students learn about air and our atmosphere through a series of ultra-cool demonstrations showing the weight of air, the effects of atmosphere, and the properties and action involved in a vacuum. Plus, a highly-visual display of the effects of Bernoulli’s Principal of Fluid Dynamics!  Learn more!

 Animals and their Environment Animals and the Environment
Learn about the impact human civilization has on the animal kingdom in terms of pollution, habitat, destruction, hunting, and the pet industry by getting face-to-face with a wide range of exotic live animals. An unforgettable encounter for your whole school!  Learn more! 
 crime scene science assembly program forensic science CSI Crime Scene Science 
Put on your lab coats and your thinking caps as you and your school gather clues to solve “The Great Cat Caper” using a wide range of real-life crime solving techniques. Heavy audience participation through explanations of the scientific method, practical chemistry, logic, and problem solving keep everybody involved!  Learn more!
 Frederick Douglass school assembly program history education convocation black history month activity idea Frederick Douglass 
The Starry Road to Freedom is an expertly performed one-man show delivered by a strong actor who will enrapture your staff and students as they learn all about the influence of this famous American. Chronologically traveling from Douglass' days as an enslaved youth all the way to adulthood and his relationship with President Lincoln, stressing the importance of freedom in all aspects of life.  Learn more!
The Earth Dome -- Earth Science Assembly Program  The Earth Dome 
Bring our gigantic, inflatable globe standing 19-feet high and 22-feet in diameter into your school and blow your students’ minds. Our energetic performer takes your students on a trip around - and inside - the world, exploring the continents, visiting countries, and studying the structure of the earth from the inside-out!  Learn more!
 Thomas Edison Assembly Show inventions engineering STEM education elementary schools Thomas Alva Edison 
This presentation highlights Edison's early childhood curiosity about how and why things worked all the way through his career as the inventor of dozens of devices - that you can see in action! Edison's childhood experiences and stories of his fascination with electricity and the telegraph are told through an energetic performance that will inspire your students and connect with them as only a "living history" experience can.  Learn more!
 Forces and Motion physics assembly show newton's laws of motion mobile ed science show Forces and Motion 
See Newton's Three Laws of Motion, kinetic and potential energy and the conservation of energy at work with easy-to-understand exhibitions aimed right at your kids. In classic Mobile Ed tradition, a variety of dynamic demonstrations involving audience interaction lock these principles in your students’ minds.  Learn more!
 ben franklin assembly show benjamin franklin american history educational assembly show dave mitchell mobile ed Ben Franklin 
Using incredible props, a beautiful set, music, stories, interaction, and authentic costuming, the character of Ben Franklin entertains and enlightens your school. Try your time at old-time typesetting, and experiment with electricity while experiencing true living history.  Learn more!
 Imathimation mathematics math assembly show elementary dave mitchell mobile ed productions Imathimation 
Encourage your kids to think outside the box and to use their “imathimation” to envision all the ways in which math affects their lives every day. Playing on ordinary situations to create extraordinary excitement, we involve students in cooking, shopping, music and a variety of other areas to motivate them to see the math all around them. Learn more!
 inspector iwannano character show school assembly program mobile ed productions Inspector Iwannano 
"The Inspector" delivers a strong message within a comedy-packed, magic-filled program. Inspector Iwannano involves your students in a mystery as they try to uncover certain "character clues" - aspects of a good character such as trustworthiness, responsibility, and good citizenship. 45 minutes of fun and valuable character-reinforcing messages!  Learn more!
 Kidz Science Safari Kidz Science Safari
Bring the Kidz Science Safari hands-on science exhibits to your school! This program consists of a minimum of 12 interactive science exhibits that we bring into schools or any place with gymnasium size space available. We bring the children’s museum experience right to it’s intended audience - kids!  Learn more!
 dr martin luther king jr assembly program for elementary schools black history month civil rights ideas Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 
This program will travel through time with the important characters and events surrounding Dr. King's life and is expressed through song, poetry, and powerful oration. Students will see how Dr. King's life and ideas were molded through a life-long commitment to freedom and equality. A must-have!  Learn more!
 the living lincoln abraham lincoln impersonator assembly show The Living Lincoln 
A chronological, first-person narrative of Lincoln's life from his humble origins in the backwoods of Kentucky through his trying years in the White House. Drawing on in-depth expert knowledge of this subject, our performer will provide an educational odyssey that is often humorous while at other times extraordinarily moving. Learn more!
 lincoln and reading books made the man reading and writing education history assembly show Books Made the Man: Lincoln and Reading 
Introduce students to some of the books Mr. Lincoln eagerly read as a boy, and also the rest of the literature and instruction he continued to pore over throughout his life. From the books on surveying and the law that enabled him to become successful in life, to the works on military strategy he found himself reading in the White House, and everything in between!  Learn more!
 Mime Time - Performing Arts Assembly Show Mime Time
This program is designed to introduce your students to an art form which has been practiced for centuries throughout the world - mime! Your students will be mesmerized as our performer presents several humorous short "silent stories" which may include many familiar illusions such as walls, ropes, ladders and everybody's favorite - walking against the wind.  Learn more!
 the magic of science assembly show program for kids kitchen chemistry at home science experiments The Magic of Science 
This classic assembly allows everyone, both in the audience and on stage, to become a magician. Everything done in this 45 minute science program looks and acts like a real magic trick. The only real trick is that everything done is science at work! A great survey course in chemistry, physics, and mathematics including tricks your students can do at home!  Learn more!
No Bully Zone Game Show -- Character Building and Anti-Bullying Assembly Show

The No Bully Zone
The No Bully Zone helps students identify bullies and bullying behaviors and to provide effective strategies in coping and dealing with bullying. This program will help identify the types of bullies and associated bullying behaviors: Physical, Verbal, Social or Relational, and Cyber.  Learn more!

 Our Changing Climate global warming assembly program elementary school jeff hoge Our Changing Climate 
Through an energetic performance by Dr. Exhaustus and his animatronic friends, give your students an understanding of the subject of climate change. Competing scientific points of view about climate change are presented, including the sunspot theory, natural causes, and the greenhouse theory using humor, multimedia projected on a huge screen, and lots of audience interaction!  Learn more! 
 Physics is Fun -- Science Assembly Program Physics is Fun! 
Open your student's eyes to the fascinating world of physics and how it governs the way everything around us moves! Through the discoveries of Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla and Robert VanDeGraff we've come up with powerful demonstrations on sound, electricity, motion, and even jet propulsion! Also, ask about our all-day science museum-style Physics Workshop!  Learn more! 
 icon physicsworkshop Physics Workshop
Physics is Fun is also available in an all-day format with awesome hands-on activities! We bring a science museum-like presentation to your school allowing students to get up close and personal with awesome exhibits designed to compliment both the Physics is Fun assembly program and your existing science curriculum.  Learn more!
 Piankeshaw Trails - Native American History Piankeshaw Trails: Native American Cultures in the Midwest Woodlands
Mobile Ed Productions is excited to announce a partnership allowing us to bring schools in the Midwest an excellent new hands on opportunity. It will teach students about the Native American Indian Cultures of Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky and other parts of the Ohio Valley and what was once referred to as the Northwest Territory.  Learn more!
 Reading Assembly Program Reading: More Than Words 
This show creates an upbeat and fun environment that leads students to explore the world of literature, including fiction and nonfiction. With an exciting set, cutting-edge graphics and unique props, the program generates interest in the audience as they first enter into the room.  Learn more!
 Reptiles are Cool! -- Animal Assembly Show Reptiles are Cool
Take an eye-opening look at the world of reptiles through this informative program that features snakes, lizards, turtles, tortoises and alligators.  Learn more!
 skydome planetarium starlab portable dome assembly program Sky Dome Planetarium
Take your students on a journey through the universe from the comfort and security of your own school. Our portable, inflatable planetarium will come right to your location and dazzle your budding astronomers with our state-of-the-art digital projector and informative presentation.  Learn more!

 STEM Museumeducational school assembly presentation STEM Museum
Bring an entire state-of-the-art STEM exhibit right into your school!  Interact with over a dozen professionally designed, hands-on exhibits sure to inspire the next generation of great scientists.  Learn more!
 anti bullying assembly program show anti-bully mandate stronger than a bully assembly program mobile ed dave mitchell Stronger Than a Bully
Fight the issue of bullying in your school with a day of Stronger Than A Bully assembly shows! Based on techniques aimed at empowering the victim, this fast-paced interactive school assembly program is packed with important lessons imparted through lots of audience participation, magic, ventriloquism, role playing, comedy, and most of all fun!  Learn more!
 mark twain school assembly program Mark Twain
America's most famous author comes to life in your school with a stunningly-accurate costumed portrayal. Mr. Twain recalls his youth, his fascination with steamboats, how he got his name, and reads excerpts from his stories, from The Jumping Frog of Calaveras County to The Adventures of Tom Sawyerand Huckleberry Finn. Enhanced with large props and a huge multimedia projection screen, this is a must-have show for your school!  Learn more!
 young authors day school assembly program creative writing mime amazing awesome we love it Young Authors Day 
This all-day writing workshop begins with a 45-minute assembly show about the art of mime. There, our not-so-silent mime excites your students about writing, and then sends them on their way to create original stories, periodically visited and coached by our presenter. At the end of the day your student’s own stories are presented in a second assembly...through mime! An unforgettable day, every time.  Learn more!
 anti bullying mandate stronger than a bully you've got a friend dave mitchell You've Got a Friend
Inspirational characters and magic tricks bring the sequel to the popular anti-bullying program over and above of what's expected in a school assembly show. Three loveable ventriloquist characters stress the importance of making friends as a preventative measure to bullying and build an acceptance of diversity and physical challenges. Learn more!


Articles About Our School Assembly Programs In Illinois

Ohio and Indiana History - School Assemblies in the Midwest
All over the midwest, in states such as Indiana, Ohio, Michigan and Illinois, part of the curriculum for intermediate grades involves teaching 3rd, 4th and 5th graders about the Native American tribes that lived in this part of the country before the Europeans arrived. There is nothing strange about this. All over the country...
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Character Counts To Start The Year in Schools
Kick off the year with a lesson in good character! ...
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Illinois School Assemblies - Ben Franklin Visits Roxana
School Assemblies play every day of the school year, so on any given day we have performers all over the country performing school shows.

Recently, en route back  from Texas to perform school assemblies in the Midwest, Dave Mitchell stopped in Roxana, Illinois to perform his Ben Franklin school show. I just wanted to share with you how delighted the school, staff and kids were with the performance. I spoke recently with Jim Miller the building principal, and here is what he had to say:

“This was the best school assembly ever! Ben Franklin was truly... Read the entire article!

Illinois Schools Love Rojo’s School Assemblies!
A client school in Joliet talks about one of our great school assembly performers! ...
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Portable Planetarium Tours in Michigan, Ohio and Midwestern Schools
Additional tours in the Midwest for 2011 means more available dates for Illinois schools! ...
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Chicago School Assemblies - Character Counts in Algonquin, Illinois!
A Chicago area school kicks off the year with Character Counts! ...
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Library Shows and Keeping Kids Involved Over the Summer
Librarians in Illinois and Iowa share ideas on enticing kids to read ....
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