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The Spirit to Overcome

African-American History Assembly Program | Grades: K-9

*Available Virtually or In-Person!*

Rosa Parks Educational Assembly ShowFrom the first female slave stepping ashore from a slave ship to Michelle Obama, the first African American First Lady, all women of color have had to face daily challenges and struggles. In the fight against prejudice, bias, social and political limitations, many have risen as heroes, and some have emerged as true beacons of hope for us all. They shared “The Spirit To Overcome.”

Bessie Coleman School Assembly ShowThis program takes students back to the early days of slavery with women such as Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman. Children will participate in an imaginary escape on the Underground Railroad. Other highlights include various historical achievements and an examination of some of the many “firsts” achieved by African American women. Included are Madam C. J. Walker who was the first American woman of any color to become a millionaire by her own achievements, and Bessie Coleman who was the first American of any color, or gender to receive an international pilots license. The presenter uses costumes to transform into some of the characters and slides as visual aids for most of the women spoken about.

Michelle Obama educational school show history notable black womenThis interactive program not only offers a glimpse of the many contributions made to our world by African American women, but also celebrates the triumph of their undying spirit. Throughout the program students are encouraged to view the example of these women as an inspiration to keep their own spirits strong when faced with adversity.

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school assembly program on women

The struggle for freedom faced by African American women

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Program Summary

Grade Level K-9
Max Audience Size 200+. Limited by facility
Session Time 40-45 minutes
Workshop Availability No
Setup Time 60 minutes
Teardown Time 60 minutes
Required Utilities
  • One AC electrical outlet.
  • Two 6’-8’ banquet tables.
  • A chair and a small table if available.
  • The performer needs a separate room to change into costume.
Subjects Covered
  •  Sojourner Truth 
  • Harriett Tubman 
  • Madam C. J. Walker 
  • Bessie Coleman 
  • Josephine Baker 
  • Maya Angelou 
  • Rosa Parks 
  • Lorraine Hansberry 
  • Wilma Rudolph 
  • Coretta Scott King 
  • Marian Anderson

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