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The Respect Tour

Character Building Assembly Program | Grades: K-6

*Available Virtually or In-Person!*

Learn Respect in a musical and fun way!

As the great Aretha Franklin once spelled, R-E-S-P-E-C-T: it’s something we all want, have got, and need, but not everyone needs respect in the same way. Respect for a teacher or parent is different from respect for another student -- but it all comes down to the same principles, even if it’s expressed differently.

That’s where Brian Chevalier’s musical school assembly, The Respect Tour, comes in. He’s here to demonstrate to your students what respectful behavior looks like, and to help your kids reach their greatest potential. The Respect Tour covers character-building -- what it means to have ‘good character,’ and how to stand up for yourself and what you believe in, all while still being respectful of other people.

Topics covered include empathy, compassion, when to say no to others and stand up for oneself, and of course -- respect for others. The Respect Tour emphasizes that respect and kindness go hand-in-hand, and that respecting yourself is a big part of having good character.

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A little respect goes a long way! Teach your students the importance of respect with The Respect Tour.

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Program Summary

Grade Level K-6
Max Audience Size 200+. Limited by facility
Session Time 40-45 minutes
Number of Sessions 1-4 sessions per day.
Setup Time 60 minutes
Teardown Time 45 minutes
Required Utilities
  • A stage or 8' x 25' area
  • One 6'-8' banquet table
  • One electrical outlet
  • Custodial assistance for load-in and load-out

Subjects Covered
  • Empathy
  • Compassion
  • Respect
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