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They Made a Difference: Women in History

Historical Character Assembly Program | Grades: K-8

*Available Virtually or In-Person!*


You've heard history - now listen to her story.

Washington, Lincoln, Edison, and all other famous men of history are wonderful, and their accomplishments changed the way we live for the better. But what of the women in history? Too often their names are omitted and valuable lessons and role models for our children are ignored. They Made a Difference: Women in History addresses this issue through an exciting forty-five-minute program devoted to illuminating the lives and work of many of these fine women.

Touching on women such as Clara Barton, Florence Nightingale, Madame Curie, Amelia Earhart, Helen Keller, Anne Sullivan, Harriet Tubman, Margaret Mead, and Eleanor Roosevelt, the presentation covers the fields of science, exploration, education, public life, and literature. The performer adopts the role of a time traveler sliding effortlessly from one impersonation to another while referencing still to others. This imaginary journey is supported through the use of a rear-screen projector, frequent costume changes, and small stage props.

The teaching of history to our young people, too frequently, may slide into a litany of the accomplishments of famous men, while omitting the equally important work of the opposite sex. Though in no way diminishing the accomplishments of men, nor denigrating the role many women choose to play as homemakers, They Made a Difference allows your student to visit other sides of life, and does so in a fashion that is both educational and entertaining.

Now available virtually!! Check out the video below for a brief preview:

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"The presenter was impressive in handling so many characters. She really kept the interest of the students - you could hear a pin drop."

- Lippitt Elementary School, Warwick, RI

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Program Summary

Grade Level: K-8
Max Audience Size: 200+. Limited by facility
Performance Time: 40-45 minutes. 15 minutes between performances
Setup Time: 45 minutes
Teardown Time: 30 minutes
Required Utilities: A stage or 20' x 20' area. One AC electrical outlet. Two 6'-8' banquet tables. Two chairs. A separate room for performers to change into costumes. A projection screen. Optional: a podium
Subjects Covered:

• Clara Barton
• Florence Nightingale
• Madame Curie
• Amelia Earhart
• Helen Keller
• Anne Sullivan
• Harriet Tubman
• Margaret Mead
• Eleanor Roosevelt

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